

Pescara - 佩斯卡拉(Péscara),意大利东部港口城市,亚得里亚海沿岸的著名的度假胜地之一。 这里拥有美丽的海滨、迷人的沙滩以及众多的名胜古迹和现代化设施。这座城市还是意大利的足球圣地——意大利国家足球队的主体育场就位于这座海边城里。如果你想体验激情与速度,那就去意大利汽车博物馆(Museo della Motón)感受法拉利的魅力吧!从这里出发,你可以乘船或乘车前往周边海岛(如利帕里尼岛Lipari)进行探险活动。在夏季的夜晚,你可以欣赏到露天表演和各种艺术展。

Pescara is a beautiful seaside town on the Adriatic Sea, with lovely beaches and historical monuments. It also has an active nightlife thanks to its many bars and clubs. The city's stadium hosts football matches by the national team as well as concerts and events throughout the year. For nature lovers there are plenty of hiking trails in the surrounding area as well as opportunities for water sports like scuba diving or wind surfing. With so much to see and do it's no wonder that Pescara is one of the most popular destinations in Italy amongst tourists from all over the world.
