

我口语考试是换题季第三次的考试时间进行的,题目是询问对某件事的看法,我在回答的时候用了语法错误、单词错误等等一系列低分表达。 我的回答: I am so sorry. Because my English is not good enough to express myself very clearly in written forms. And now I have some grammar and vocabulary mistakes when I read this question out loud, as the question asks me about how I feel towards a certain issue. In particular, I think it means that if we use too much personal opinions and expressions, then our answers will be filled with mistakes. So my answer would be 6/7(满分9).

考官打断并纠正: Are you going to tell us more about what happened, or are you just going to keep saying 'I'm sorry'? 我马上更正答案: Actually, I was just trying to explain why my answer has so many mistakes but I didn't mean to insult anybody here. I guess what I want to say is, even though English is not my first language, I believe everybody can express himself/herself in English and make him/herself understood. It’s just like in Chinese, although it isn't our mother tongue, we can communicate with others and nobody thinks less of us because of that. 接着他笑了笑说: No need to apologise! I know what you mean!

