

2019年6月5日更新 我终于拿到了绿卡,L1签证也到期了 L1签证一共3次,每次可以待两年 第一次是2014-2016 在加州硅谷的科技咨询公司 第二和第三次是在2017-2018 年在德州达拉斯的公司 I got the L1 visa in June, and was approved for both years of stay. The company is located on Dallas-Fort Worth international airport which makes it very convenient to get back home during time off, so we decided not to extend our visas again this year after completing two full cycles under that one. However before they expire my husband will be getting an H1B visa as a Computer Software Engineer, he just started at a new tech firm here in DFW and has been working there remotely from China since last April. So when his current work authorization expires within next couple months(he had an F1 student visa), then we can switch the sponsorship to make sure those L1s are active up until his H1b gets approved (which should happen by Oct/Nov). His previous job with the consulting company was also under E1 treaty trader visa, which expired earlier this month, but now he doesn't need that anymore because all his salary and taxes have been paid through the employer who sponsored him for the L1. We still plan to file a petition using the same original petition number for that first cycle even though their location is different, hopefully the USCIS won't reject us over that or try to fine me too much money if they do. After we complete another two years cycle on our current H1Bs, then maybe we could go for an Green Card or maybe just leave them open to see how things goes down 😉 Hope everyone out there enjoys some nice sunsets like these while waiting for your L1s to come... :)

========== 原答案:L1没有变,只是H1B变成了EB5移民方式。 EB5需要100万美金投资于一个需要创造就业的企业中 好处就是,全家可以获得永久居留权,也就是绿卡! 但是目前EB5项目进展缓慢,我估计最快也要十年左右才能拿到身份。 目前我们只能继续持有L1签证来美国生活和工作 因为L1允许家属随同入境,所以我的宝宝现在已经三岁多了,可以在美国上学并享受所有公立教育的福利。 所以,虽然还没有正式获得绿卡,但是已经感觉像在美国生活了十多年一样,完全融入了这个国家的生活。 而且因为公司经营情况良好,所以最近刚又给老公续签了两次L1。 顺便吐槽一下,L1签证真是奇葩中的战斗机,不但不能申请社会安全号,就连驾照都不可以。 每次出入海关都要被盘问好久,是不是真的工作,以及为何没有社会安全号和驾照。 你说奇怪不奇怪! 如果大家有兴趣再追加吧。。。


需要在美国境内申请,因为申请是在移民局进行。 办理过程是这样的—— L-1到美国的签证是3个月有效期(过期失效),必须在这个时间之内登陆美国并且向移民局提交I-797表格以及申请文件的复印件(包括公司文件等)。在收到移民局的接收函之后就要开始准备材料了,这个一般需要2-4周的时间来准备。然后就是面试,这个过程也是要等待大约一个月左右才能完成。最后才是拿到绿卡或者工作签证哦! 从申请到得到结果基本上要6、7个月以上呢~所以大家在申请的时候一定要考虑好,免得耽误了工作签证的期限,那可就亏大了……
