1. 您是否携带任何食品、植物或动物产品,或任何其他会被拒绝入境的物品? (Please answer "No" to this question if you do not have any food, plants or animal products, or other items that we are prohibited from importing into the United States. You may be subject to inspection and possible seizure of these items if found in your baggage at customs.) If yes, please specify:如果您有以上物品请具体说明; 2. 请列出您的所有行李物品的清单并交给海关检查员。 Do you have a list of all of your luggage? Please hand it over to custom inspectors for review. 3. 请在入关时出示您的护照和登机牌。 Please show us your passport and boarding pass when going through immigration. 4. 如果您是旅客请说明您为何来美旅行。 For travelers only: Why did you come to visit America? 5. 请详细说明您在美国的停留计划,包括将入住何地及待多久等。 Detail on where will you stay, how long etc? (You must enter your exact address, including street number and suite/apartment number, as well as name and location of building, hotel, motel, hostel, campground, military base, cruise ship, or airport terminal(s), on each part of the form. Your address must match what is shown on your airline ticket and on any rental car documents. In case authorities need more information about who owns, rented out, or manages such an establishment, they can check with property tax records or local government agencies. This prevents them from misinterpreting addresses and incorrectly suspecting people of staying illegally.)
6. 请问您是否有在美国的亲戚或者朋友呢? Have you visited friends or relatives already living here? Is there someone sponsoring you in USA?
7. 是商务还是探亲访友,如果是旅游的话最好带上酒店预订单,机票行程单等资料以备查验。 Business trip, visiting family members & friends? Or just vacationing? It's best to provide hotel reservations, flight itinerary, and other supporting documentation to help expedite processing. We want everyone to enjoy their visit here to the fullest extent so they should feel free to bring along whatever documents would make life easier while traveling, shopping, sightseeing etc. Such things include credit cards, foreign currency, driver’s license, car registration