护照和机票都在手里,但签证申请还没出结果的同学们看过来! 1. 美国 - VFS Global (Visa & Immigration ApplicationCentre) 网站提供全球所有美国领馆的签证受理状态查询服务(除北京、上海、广州),需要输入姓名、出生日期以及护照基本信息就能查到目前的状态; 2. 加拿大 – Service Canada Website 这个是加拿大移民局网站上给签证申请人提供的网上查询工具,根据你提交的申请编号即可自行查询目前的审理进度(ProcessingTimes);
3. 英国– British Citizenship and Visas 这个就是传说中的UK Visa and Immigration Online (VSO),可以查询英国签证申请表的编码及当前的审理信息;
4. 爱尔兰- Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service This is also part of the UK government’s immigration system, so it handles applications for Irish visas too. You can check on your application using this online form (though be warned you might have to fill in some pretty personal information first!) ;
5. 新西兰- New Zealand Immigration 这个网站是新西兰移民局的官方网站,除了能进行在线申请外,还能查询申请的处理情况: Search for a visa or permit by name, date of birth , passport number或New Zealand citizenship details. If you already have an INZ online account然后选择Status and tracking; 如果你的签证申请通过邮寄方式递交,那就可以打4位数字的Case Reference Number来查询处理进度;如果是在新西兰当地申请的话, 就可以直接去移民局官网找到该办公室的电话号码打电话过去询问啦! 6.澳大利亚——Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection这个网址提供了澳洲所有领区的签证审理时间查询系统,只要填入个人信息即可查询当前审理状态;
7.日本- Japanese National Tourism Organization The JNTO site provides both tourist visa and other types of Japan entry information including pre-arrival procedures. It offers a service called “Immigration Status Inquiry” which allows people who are applying for various types of visas to know how their applications are progressing, though note that there may be a charge per inquiry ($8 if paying with credit card等…);
8.法国- Ministère de l'Intérieur et des CollectivitésLocales This website will give an estimate as to when you can expect to get your answer back from the embassy or consulate depending where you are located. Just choose the category that applies best to your case then enter the relevant information into the search engine at the top left corner of the page. Unfortunately, this does not provide any specific information about whether your application was approved or refused;
9.德国—German Federal Ministry of Interior This web portal makes no pretence of being