

对于已经拿到大学录取通知书,想要到英国去读书的同学来说,选择好学校的同时,也可以顺便考虑一下如何取得学生签证或者工作签证。 虽然从理论上说,如果你是在21岁或以上的英国大学本科或硕士毕业生,可以获得为期两年的“毕业生移民”签证(Post-Study Work)来找工作和移民。但是事实上这个政策并没有那么理想,而且真正能享受政策的留学生只是很少一部分而已;此外如果所读的专业在政府规定的限制名单上,那么该政策便无法实行了。所以建议还是通过其他方式申请工作签证以便顺利留下。 在英国获得长期工作的资格有两种方法: 一个是通过Tier 1 (General) 类别的投资者(Investor), 杰出人才(Exceptional Talent), 和企业家(Entrepreneur) 途径。另一种是通过Tier 2的劳工签证。 Tiers of work visas Tier 1 is a points based system where you may stay for four years if approved, with no requirement to get a job. It includes Investor , Entrepreneur and Exceptional Talent routes. The main difference between these categories is the amount of money that needs to be invested, as well as who will do it; however they all have similar requirements in terms of education background , language skills etc. If you are thinking about investing big amounts of cash or starting your own business here, then this might be something worth considering.

The other category known as tier two was introduced after March 2008 mainly designed for skilled workers coming over on employment visa. It has been criticized many times by various immigration experts because it does not provide enough opportunity for British firms to hire foreign talent without having to go through complex application processes which can take months or even years, thus holding back economic growth according to some reports. In order to qualify under Tier Two scheme an applicant must: Have an offer from a licensed sponsor company or a government agency (such as Arts Council England); have been offered a job which requires specific skill set ; Pass health、character and security checks If your qualifications match those needed by local employers, you should apply to one of their listed sponsors first before being able to receive a worker's permit from UKBA. You need to show that you have at least two years’ full time equivalent experience relevant to this occupation within the last five years,and earn at least £30,000 per year (for graduates)/£20,800/year (for


我目前也是通过这个方式在英国工作的,我是2018年3月份来的这边,到2019年的6月份拿到绿卡的。 办理的时间大概需要三个月左右 我在这边的职位是软件研发工程师,我的工资税后7500镑每月 在来之前我有在网站上看到有好多公司招聘这类的岗位,所以我就投简历了

然后通过了他们的面试 他们给了我一个offer,让我准备签证材料提交给移民局(我当时是通过邮件跟老板沟通) 最后通过了,拿到了签证 来到这边之后,开始找工作了 因为刚开始过来的,可能没有经验,而且刚过来语言也不通,很多流程也不是太了解 所以前期找了很久的工作才找到现在的这份工作 这个过程其实挺难熬的 有的时候也想过放弃 但是还是坚持下来了 现在终于有了自己的立足之地!
