我刚好在UQ读了一个master of IT,来答一下这个问题。 UQ的IT课程设置比较紧凑而且难度很大。我一共参加了两个IT的课程,一个是data science,一个是business intelligence。 Data Science主要是学习分析的方法和软件工具,比如R,python,tableau等等,学校提供的学习软件有anaconda(Python的环境),Jupyter notebooks(做数据分析的软件)以及Microsoft azure(免费账户用来练手)。老师主要用到的软件是spss, SPSS was very easy to use and understand but is now being phased out in favor of newer software. 课程内容主要就是介绍各种分析的方法然后上机操作练习。因为我是带着工作经验来的所以课程学起来很轻松,基本能跟得上。
BI的主要学习内容就是SQL, SQL in the classroom was a bit boring because it's all theory that I knew already from my work experience however we were given lots of practical exercises on how to solve real world problems as well as hands-on assignments for every single topic that we read up about in the textbook。
每个学期都有project,data science那个学期我们是一个团队要完成一个项目,BI的那个学期是一个人完成一个项目然后再和小组其他成员讨论汇报。