

I am a student on exchange from NUS to UNSW. This is my first time entering Singapore on an ipa-let alone the 30 other times I'm scheduled to enter throughout this year and next.

My university has me set up with an MOM account for my dependents (which i can transfer over when they arrive) but I need to provide supporting documents that show why we are eligible. My university sends me the forms every time there is a change in information or when we add someone else, so it’s been easy enough to keep track of everything. In terms of fees/payments however – how does one go about doing this? Who do you contact at MOM once you have all your documentation together? Is there an address or email where one can send said docs for review/acceptance? Or will everyone just end up at CHI at some point?

There really isn't any good way to pay these visa fees right now…maybe eventually online but until then it's all by mail or in person at the embassy or consulate. You can try contacting them directly via their webform but I doubt anyone gets back to you promptly, if at all. You could also try sending a messenger to hand deliver all your doces but again, who knows when you'll hear anything back - especially if it takes longer than expected to process(which could be days). As far as I know, nobody gets notified by mail once their visa request has been processed and sent to immigration so you'd have no idea what was going on other than maybe seeing "approved" in your MOM login.

The only thing left to do would be to pay whatever fee was levied(whatever that may be)and wait for CHI to come through. Good Luck!


IPA是“入境批准书”的意思,全称是“In-Principle Approval(入境原则批文)” 一般申请新加坡移民或者签证的时候才会用到这个词; 这个流程其实比较复杂、周期也比较长,我简单跟你说一下步骤吧: 首先你先在网上提交申请材料;然后等待移民局审核材料---收到他们的邮件通知通过之后,会发给你一个链接(这个网址链接的有效期一般是7天),让你填写一些资料并预约一个面试时间;最后等到你面试时间到了,你就可以带着相关资料去进行面试啦~ 你需要准备的就是以下材料:







