1. Pikwaukawa is a Cree word for the city of Winnipeg - it means "the place where there are many waters". The name was given to this area by the Metis people who settled in that region, and now also has an Indian reservation here called Pikwaukawa/Wapawakka First Nation - Wapta (or Wappat) wacwa kaka = white horse water (with all its derivatives)。
2. One can see how you would say pikwaukawa as 'pig wa ga', but what about when spoken with English accents or other dialects... You know, like someone from Scotland said it. Or one could just call it 'Pewaukee'! Nowadays, Canadians will most likely pronounce it Pewaukee - ee-voo-keh-eh. But hey, don't use it if you want to be wrongly pronounced correctly!
3. I got my answer on this question right after posting so we may need to update our list later on too, huh?