

Entry是入境、进入的意思,而entry visa就是入境签证的意思(一般指非申根签证) Entry-exit System 出入境(口岸)管理系统 Entries:

1.The act of entering into or the fact of being within a specified country, state, etc.: “the right to ask for entry without let or hindrance” (John Fowles)

2.A point at which something enters an area; access:

3.a point where one is allowed in and out: the airport's entrance and exit. 4.Any action that involves coming into existence, beginning, occurrence, making, taking place, happening, formation, or establishment :

“in this sense entries may be made by verbs as well as nouns”;

5.In accounting, the process of recording the inflow and outflow of money in accounts from which net changes can be determined.

6.Entries are also kept on any other significant transactions recorded during the day, including credits obtained through sale of securities, bank fees charged, etc. See record, log book, journal, ledger


1.To enter: go inside a building or area, such as a classroom或an office.也可以表示“到…去”(come to someplace) He came with us when we entered the school gates. The president will arrive tomorrow morning, but no one knows exactly what time he will enter the city. Also see come aboard, get off, get up, take up, turn over. Antonyms: exit, leave.

2.An entry is information about events occurring while a diary, account book, journal, or ledger is kept. This term usually refers specifically to written statements of facts included in these records.

3.In statistics, an entry consists of all individual items entered in a statistical table, list, graph, or chart. It includes data values, descriptions of variables, labels used in classifying them, codes given each label, and anything else necessary to interpret the whole item. Also called row or data set.

例: Each person who wants to make comments has been asked two questions: why they want to speak, and what their main points are. These answers have then been summarized down so that only key sections remain in the final draft of my article before I begin writing it up. My initial plan was therefore simply to write paragraphs corresponding to each section head, which would form the


这是澳大利亚移民签证里面的内容,具体意思是申请人已经申请并获得了澳洲移民签证; 获得这个签证是办理澳洲签证的必经之路哦!

1.如果申请人是首次登陆的话呢,就是第一次登陆澳洲,在入境的时候需要填写入澳申请表(Inflight Form),里面有一项是需要填写目的(For),这里就需要你填上你的移民签证类型了啦!(当然如果你拿的是留学签,那么请选“Study”) 2. 如果您已经持有了澳洲公民身份证,那么再次出入境就不需要通过移民局,而是通过海关来检查了,这时就要出示您的护照和澳洲公民证即可。

3. 当您拿到绿卡时,在去澳洲前要先查询好入境时间(因为不是一定会在5年后才能成为永久居民吗,万一晚了怎么办啊),然后记得要带齐所有申请材料、证件前往机场办理登机手续喔。
