题主是学生的话,如果毕业后想要留在爱尔兰找工作, 可以通过以下两种方式: 一、PSW (post study work permit)2017年4月取消. PSW全称Post-Study Work Visa,指的是“毕业之后工作签证”。 之前,只要是在爱尔兰大学本科和研究生毕业的学生(硕士及以上),都可以获得两年不限工作的PSW工签。 在两年内找到合适的工作,就有机会拿到永久定居权利了~ 二、Stamp4 (Temporary Worker) Stamping your passport is another route open to nonEU/EEA nationals wanting to live and work in Ireland for a specific period of time, it’s available to certain types of workers who are coming from outside the EU, but have lived here lawfully for at least five years before applying. For example:
If you want to apply for this visa, you must first have obtained permission to reside and work lawfully as an employee or self employed person in irish society since April 2004. And,you cannot be seeking any other type of residence Permit also at the same time. After having spent these five years living legally without committing any criminal offences or infringing immigration regulations; You can then go on to get a Stamp Four Residence Permit which will allow you to stay indefinitely until you leave the country, provided that you continue working in the same way that you did during those last five years. If they do not meet all conditions required by Section II of The Immigration Act 2003,The Minister may refuse their application for stamp four , even if they satisfy the requirements set out within section I.
In order to qualify for one of these visas, the following criteria has to be met: i. Must have been working full time with valid employment contract between April 2004 – November 2011, or currently have a job offer from employer based in IRL. This means both permanent & fixed term contracts are acceptable, However parttime jobs are excluded. It should also be noted that unpaid internships are not covered under this category。 ii. They need to show that income from salary or wages earned exceeds €850 per calendar month over the past three months; Or gross average earnings exceed minimum wage of current year plus 25% over the preceding six consecutive 12month periods OR net business profits exceeded €69,105 over the past two financial years
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