“万事开头难”,特别是对于考生而言,如何在短暂的时间内迅速地进入状态是拿到高分的关键。所以建议考生根据题目要求,对题目进行改写,形成一篇紧扣题目的引言段。如此一来,既不会因为紧张而漏掉题目要求,又给阅卷人一个“文章紧扣题目”的好印象。以这道题目为例,考生们可以紧扣题目要求,写出如下文字:Recent studies have found that many people suffer from symptoms related to stress. While some believe increased stress benefits us in certain ways, others argue that it has more negative impacts on people's health and lifestyle. In my opinion, stress is mostly harmful as long as the level of pressure is above a certain degree of our tolerance.
第一招:避免“意群”重复。很多考生在展开文段论述时“意群”重复,使得文字繁冗累赘。以这道题目为例,很多考生的第一段的论述要点是“压力让人更负责任,更有效地完成任务”,如果将这个要点分别拆成两个不同的“主题句”进行论述,不仅节省字数,也会让文章结构变得“清晰”:Stress benefits people in two main ways. Firstly, stress motivates people to be more responsible due to the fact that they know that they have to fulfill their responsibility, which makes them behave in a disciplined way. Secondly, stress increases work performance because people are aware that they have to complete the tasks in a short period of time, which makes them to use their time more efficiently.
第二招:避免“一锤定音”模式,即所有的“扩展句”只是围绕“主题句”进行“单向”的论证,而是采用“正反式”。还是以上面这个文段为例,不妨对观点进行“正反”论述:However, the merits mentioned above apply only to people who can handle stress very well and have a high degree of tolerance when it comes to their jobs. For the majority of people, stress is not only harmful to their health but also to their social activities outside work.