

1. 先放结论,个人认为原因是多方面的,但是最根本的,是雅思考试的功能发生了变化-不再仅仅只是测评学生的语言能力,而是开始承载了更多的功能,因此它的设置和形式上必然会发生相应的变化来满足这些新增加的功能的需求;而艺术的测试在雅思中占的比重较小(而且一直存在争议),所以没有发生特别大的变动也就不难理解了~

2. 然后说原因,我觉得可以从几个方面来看待这个问题:

①. 从外来的语言考试看国内英语水平考试,比如托福和GRE等,这些考试的设计都是建立在“英语作为一门外语”的基础上的,因此虽然听说读写四科成绩突出,但始终缺少对于英语母语者日常交流能力的真实测量。而雅思弥补了这份不足,在保留一定量应试内容的同时,增加了更多模拟真实场景的语言输出项目;

②. 而由于中国学生长期应试教育的训练,使得学生在面对诸如填空、选择、判断等客观的题目时可以轻易取得高分,因此这类题型在雅思中出现多次的情况也使考生们形成了“雅思不难”的错误认知。但是,当雅思增加了对于考生“英英理解”“文化背景知识”“逻辑分析”等方面的要求时,很多考生的实力就显露无疑了-这里不是说考生的能力的问题,因为任何考试想要做到完全测出考生的全部水平是不现实的;我的意思是指考生在经过多年的应试训练后形成的“考什么就知道什么”的思维定式,这在某种程度上阻碍了考生对于语言本质的理解和掌握。于是,雅思的高分也就变得不那么简单了~ ③. 当然,任何一个测试都是有利有弊的,雅思也不例外。比如说对中式思维的中式发音的考验,比如说对于小分的苛刻要求等等。


If people cared less about art.

Art has been and will continue to be an essential part of our life, which reflects where we have been and where we are going.

There are several reasons for such a claim to be made. To begin with, art, since time began, has been used as a means of expression and communication. It is a vehicle that allows us to tell others about our feelings, thoughts or beliefs, and learn about those of others. Without art, our human nature will be restrained, which means we will have no freedom to show and share our inner worlds. Another reason that underpins art’s crucial role is that art, in its different forms, is a source of inspiration and creativity for us. Whether we look at the paintings of Van Gogh or read the novels of Dostoevsky or listen to the songs of Bob Dylan, we will always be touched by their profound meanings and beauty, and inspired by their sincerity and truthfulness.

The fact that art is an intrinsic feature of our life, as elaborated above, renders itself indispensable to us and it will stay with us for ever.
