

首先,你拿到offer的时候,学校会给你发一个confirmation letter 就是offer的确认信,这个信里面会有Visa Letter (T4 Visa)的code, 拿着这个code去移民局官网申请T4工签签证就可以了~然后大概2周左右就会收到邮件说你的签证已经批了哦~~!! 然后你拿到签证以后就可以来英国啦!(如果签证没下来或者下来之前你就到英国的话需要申请临时签证)

另外,在英国工作的时间长短取决于你需要的是哪种签证: 1. Tier 2 General visa for skilled workers, with a minimum salary of £30,000 if you are coming from outside the EEA/Swiss area or a £20,800 if you are a national of an approved EEA country. This is usually granted for up to 5 years but depends on your skills and age; - 这个是技术移民签证,一般给五年签证,但是取决于技能和工作年限;

2. Tier 1 General, which can be applied for both after completing a course at university in England as well as before leaving home by applying online beforehand. The cost of this visa ranges between £600 &£1,330 depending on whether or not there’s enough funds saved in a British bank account – again it lasts up to five years except when under 18 where its one year only! There's no minimum requirement regarding salary although employers must prove that they have offered a job to a suitable non-EEA employee first! -这个是大学生创业签证,一般来说,如果你毕业后想留在英国生活工作三年,那么可以拿这种签证。不过这种签证对申请人以及公司的资质都有一定要求,而且每年只有4,750个名额(去年开始取消了对专业的要求)。所以如果你真的决定要办这个签证,建议还是问问有经验的HR们吧~~~~ 3. Spouse visas, parents of adult children and partner visas all need prior approval so will take longer than other types of visas because you cannot apply until your application has been accepted! Also remember that UKBA does not do any checks on the validity of documents submitted through these applications, i.e. marriage certificates etc! So make sure everything is correct and official! 配偶类签证,子女父母探亲等都需要在申请前得到使馆的认可,也就是说这些签证的申请过程比较长。还有就是UKBA不会检查材料的真实性,包括结婚证之类的东西,所以一定要准备齐全哈~~~!!!!!!


2018年 申请的时间是3月16号,5月7号拿到CAS的,9月份入境到英国。 然后开始办理工签材料! 等所有的材料全部搞定,收到移民局批复信的时候已经是18年的十月底了,整整四个月。 所以我的建议就是提前一年准备申请材料吧,早一点递交给移民局会比较好呢,这样不会太着急啦~希望可以帮到你( ̄▽ ̄)~
